Online resources for depression
When you or someone in your life is struggling with mental health concerns, you might consider connecting with online resources for support.

By: Mind - Mental Health - 11/15/2018

When you're struggling with mental health concerns, you might consider connecting with online resources for support.  It's normal, and expected, to feel "down" from time to time.  Sometimes you might feel like things will get better on their own, but other times your mental health isn't something you can just rub some dirt on or ignore.  When you notice that your day-to-day tasks have become more challenging, it might be time to take action.

When seeking help feels overwhelming, going online to find information and assets might be a small, manageable step that can get the ball rolling.  You can find a variety of resources online to help you "drive on" with depression.  These web-based resources can help Operators, Enablers, and family members by:

  • Providing effective and anonymous treatment.  For some, looking for a therapist and finding the time to receive in-person treatment can feel daunting.  Programs such as Vets Prevail blends personalized lessons based on effective therapeutic approaches with a peer-support network to provide a virtual alternative to face-to-face therapy.  

  • Enabling opportunities to give back.  Working toward goals and collaborating with others to serve your community can help generate positive experiences that can boost your sense of meaning in life.  Helping others also provides an opportunity to strengthen social bonds when you're stressed.  Whether you are transitioning out of the military or just looking for other opportunities to serve, you can find options online that to do just that.  Organizations such as The Mission Continues can help you find purpose through making community impact or forging connections with people in the service of others.

  • Connecting you to peer support.  When you are struggling with difficult situations, you might prefer to consult someone who knows what you are going through.  You can find peer-support resources online through Military OneSource and various social-media platforms.  There are also specific resources for military spouses and caregivers too.

  • Normalizing common struggles.  Sometimes it helps to be reminded that many people experience mental health issues.  Bringing some humor to the situation might also encourage you to reach out for support or seek professional treatment.  Created by men for men (and anyone with a man in his or her life), Man Therapy® is an example of an online resource where you and your family members can find nonjudgmental support through challenging times.

  • Educating others on how to support a struggling Operator or Enabler.  If you are the friend, family member, or loved one of an Operator or Enabler and want to get a better understanding of what your Service Member might be going through, websites such as Psych Armor help bridge the civilian/military divide by providing tools and resources needed to engage effectively with Operators, Enablers, and Veterans.  Free courses, such as the one below, can help in understanding the roots and consequences of depression.


High OPTEMPOs at work and home can fuel unhelpful thinking and prevent you from seeking the help you or a family member might need.  While these thoughts might be helpful for mission readiness, they can interfere with your performance, health, relationships, and well-being.  Before that tiny whisper turns into a shout, seek the support you or your family member needs.

Depression is treatable.

If you feel you're experiencing a potentially life-threatening problem, contact the Military Crisis Line online or call 800-273-8255 and press "1" or contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline online or by phone at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).  The Defense Centers of Excellence (DCoE) also has a 24/7 Outreach Center featuring a hotline, email, chat, and phone number.

In an emergency, please dial 911.

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